Como puede ser que decir dos palabras tan simples cueste tanto. Miles de personas las dicen dia a dia y no ocurre nada... Entonces por que yo soy incapaz de decirtelo. Como puede ser que aunque este a tu lado me sienta tan lejos. Quizas es la angustia de pensar que puede pasar lo impensable. Verme separada de ti y sin medios para lacanzarte. Quizas esas dos simples palabras estan atadas con cadenas en el fondo de mi corazon... Y quizas sea mejor asi. Tan solo pensar estar lejos de ti me hace hundirme de nuevo en la oscuridad y pensar en lo que pudo haber sido y no. Quizas mi destino sea observarte de lejos y preguntarme por que. Por que nunca sera lo que pudo haber sido... Por que sere tan debil. Quizas la proxima vez que te vea sere mas fuerte. Sere capaz de acercarme a ti, recriminarte por el daño que me hiciste y con lagrimas romper las cadenas que atan estas simples palabras. Abrazarte de nuevo y en un susurro decirte... Te Quiero.
Sometimes I'm a selfish fake.
You're always a true friend.
I don't deserve you cause I'm not there for you.
Please forgive me again...
I want to be there for you...
Someone you can come to...
It runs deeper than my bones...
I want to be there for you.
Swirling shades of blue
slow dancing in your sky,
The sun kisses the earth
and I hush my urge to cry.
I want to be there for you...
Someone you can come to...
It runs deeper than my bones...
I want to be there for you.
Cause I hear the whispered words
in your masterpiece, beautiful...
You speak the unspeakable through...
I love you too.
I want to be there for you
And be someone you can come to
The love runs deeper than my bones
And I want to be there for you
You're always a true friend.
I don't deserve you cause I'm not there for you.
Please forgive me again...
I want to be there for you...
Someone you can come to...
It runs deeper than my bones...
I want to be there for you.
Swirling shades of blue
slow dancing in your sky,
The sun kisses the earth
and I hush my urge to cry.
I want to be there for you...
Someone you can come to...
It runs deeper than my bones...
I want to be there for you.
Cause I hear the whispered words
in your masterpiece, beautiful...
You speak the unspeakable through...
I love you too.
I want to be there for you
And be someone you can come to
The love runs deeper than my bones
And I want to be there for you
PD: FELIZ NAVIDAD A TODOS!!! Espero que tengan pensamientos mas positivos que yo ^^'U
Honto ni arigato ^^ y Omedetto Peluxe!! La cancion es para ti